What I Do Best

On my tours I provide historical and current information about the areas we will be driving through and what we can expect when we reach our destination. Where appropriate, we will stop to sample local fruits and cuisine. I will also stop for anything that catches your eye that you wish to photograph, see up close, taste or touch. You only have to ask. All the photographs used on my website have been taken by me in Trinidad & Tobago!

Everything Else

This page coming soon! Here you will find details of all the other tours and services I provide. All under one umbrella! In the mean time, just ask me about something you want to do via the contact page.

i am pretty good at these things too

Tour Information

I'll make sure you have all the information you need for your tour. How to dress and what to bring.

Value For Money

Better than all the rest! My customers tell me so!
I make sure you know what is included and what is not.

Amazingly On Time

This is quite a challenge given the traffic problems we have here, but I'm good at picking you up and delivering you on time.


My customers tell me my tours are highly entertaining!
I do my best to keep you engaged and smiling.