Long-billed Starthroat (Heliomaster longirostris)
Swallow Tanager (Tersina viridis occidentalis)
Ruby Topaz (Chrysolampis mosquitus)

Asa Wright Nature Centre

We depart from your pick up point at an arranged time to allow us to arrive at Asa Wright by 10.30 a.m. in time for the morning guided walk. Pick up is usually 7.30 a.m. but please remember that I am happy to tailor any of my tours to suit your needs.

We travel along the East/West Corridor before heading North into the hills of the Northern Range. The drive to Asa Wright takes approximately one and a half hours, but along the way we will make a couple of impromptu stops and detours to look for birds and eat breakfast.

I do not have a time limit for this adventure. I am happy to stay at Asa Wright for as long as you want. You can set the timetable for the return to your accommodation.

Blackpoll Warbler (Dendroica castanea)
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Pheucticus ludovicianus ludovicianus)
Northern Waterthrush (Seiurus noveboracensis)


You must have closed shoes to be allowed on the walk. Trainers are fine but no rubber slippers or the like. While not essential, I highly recommend trousers. The alternative is lashings of insect repellent! If you are particularly susceptible to bad reactions to insects, I also recommend a long sleeve shirt. A hat is always a good idea too.

I also suggest you walk with a rain jacket in case. Depending on the time of year you visit there is the potential to get wet! If you have not travelled with a rain jacket or a hat let me know in advance. I can usually provide one.

If you wish to take a dip in the clear water pool bring your bathing things and a towel.


If like me you have travelled in shorts you will have time to change for the walk. Asa Wright will provide you with a stick to aid you on the walk if needed and sulphur powder to brush around your ankles for protection from chiggers or bête rouge! You are also welcome to share my homemade concoction of baby oil citronella and peppermint oil. Smells fantastic!


The guides at Asa Wright are a fount of knowledge! They will tell you about the history of the centre, the herbs, trees and shrubs along the walk and of course point out any mammals and birds we see.  The walk will take approximately one and a half hours.


After the walk it will be time for lunch! Asa Wright does a buffet lunch of local food or a choice of burger & fries type food from the bar menu. Yes there is a bar! You can reward yourself with a local juice or beer after the walk.


After lunch you can choose to just sit on the verandah and enjoy the birds, the scenery and the atmosphere that makes Asa Wright such a special place. Or you might choose to go for a dip in the clear water pool… or do both!


We will leave when you are ready. My only stipulation is that we get down the mountain before dark!


US$50.00 Per person (Minimum of two people)

US$75 Single Person

Fees are payable at the start of the tour… not because I don’t trust you, but it’s good to get the money thing out of the way before we begin our adventure.


Entrance fee to Asa Wright US$20 Per Person

Lunch at your discretion. Asa Wright provides a buffet lunch. Cost approximately US$25 per person.

Gratuity for the Asa Wright guide at your discretion.