Whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus hudsonicus)
Tricoloured Heron (Egretta tricolor tricolor) catching fish
Marbled Godwit (Limosa fedoa fedoa) a rare passage migrant in Trinidad

West Coast Adventure

This is an eight hour adventure. We will leave Port of Spain at 6.30 a.m. and make several stops down the West Coast including a stop at Chase Village for doubles for breakfast.

Bird watching on the West Coast is mainly but not only about shore birds – those little peeps that drive us all mad trying to identify them. I admit that identifying peeps is not my forte but I do my best. I am always stupidly pleased with myself when I get one right.

Happily there are also less challenging species in the areas we will be travelling through.

After the West Coast we will head a little inland to buy lunch then proceed to one of my mystery stops for more birding.


Rufous Crab Hawk (Buteogallus aequinoctialis)
Scarlet Ibis feeding in the mud
Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) with fish

Immature Little Blue Heron (Egretta caerulea)


You can dress casually for this adventure. Some walking is involved part of which may be muddy and a change of footwear is strongly recommended. I usually wear a short sleeve shirt, shorts, sandals, a hat and insect repellent. For this adventure I also carry trousers and walking boots and change if necessary. If you are particularly susceptible to bad reactions to insects, I recommend a long sleeve shirt, trousers and shoes. A hat is always a good idea as there is no significant shade in the areas will be travelling through. Bring your favourite bug spray. I will provide binoculars to share but don’t forget your camera.


There are several comfort stops available in these areas. We will stop at them as we pass. You should not have to use the same facilities as the birds and the bees, but I carry the necessary tissue, hand sanitiser and water if needed.


We will leave my mystery stop after our lunch and more birding and head back to Port of Spain.


US$100.00 Per person (Minimum of two people)

US$130 Single Person

My fee includes doubles for breakfast, a local curry lunch, all entry fees and too much information! Fees are payable at the start of the tour… not because I don’t trust you, but it’s good to get the money thing out of the way before we begin our adventure.

Additional Cost

There are no additional costs for this adventure.

Rufous Crab Hawk (Buteogallus aequinoctialis)