Scarlet Ibis (Eudocimus ruber) going home to roost in the Caroni Bird Sanctuary
Cascabel Dormillion (Corallus ruschenbergerii)
Yellow-crowned Night Heron (Nyctanassa violacea) eating a Fiddler Crab

Caroni Bird Sanctuary

Caroni Bird Sanctuary is situated 14km (8.5 miles) from Port of Spain on the West Coast of Trinidad. It is the second largest wetland mangrove in Trinidad and covers an area of 5611 hectares (21.6 sq miles). It is a protected area under the Ramsar Convention and is home to many species of flora and fauna.

Our journey into the swamp is by motor boat and will take approximately two and a half hours. I use Nanan’s Boat Tours who have recently purchased very quiet four stroke engines that make for a very enjoyable experience.

The boat leaves at 4.00 p.m. daily. The trip is timed to coincide with the return of the Scarlet Ibis to their roosting islands for the night, after a day spent feeding in the surrounding mangroves and mudflats. They do not fly between Trinidad and Venezuela every day to feed contrary to the information on Wikipedia and other web sites. 

The drive from Port of Spain to Caroni takes approximately twenty minutes but pick up time from your accommodation will be by arrangement, usually 3.00 p.m.

American Flamingos (Phoenicopterus ruber) in flight over Caroni
Four-eyed Fish or Anableps (Anableps anableps)
Spectacled Caimen (Caiman crocodilus)
Proboscis Bat (Rhynchonycteris naso)

Scarlet Ibis (Eudocimus ruber) flying in to their evening roost.


You can dress casually for this adventure. No walking is involved. I usually wear a short sleeve shirt, shorts, sandals, a hat and insect repellent. If you are particularly susceptible to bad reactions to insects, I recommend a long sleeve shirt, trousers and shoes. A hat is always a good idea as the first part of the trip down Drain Number 9 is exposed to the sun and bring your favourite bug spray. I will provide binoculars to share but don’t forget your camera.


You will have time to use the restrooms before we leave. There are no comfort stops in the swamp.


We will head straight back to your accommodation after our adventure.


US$20.00 Per person (Minimum of two people)

US$30 Single Person

My fee includes a stainless steel bottle of filtered local water, local peppermint sweets and too much information! Fees are payable at the start of the tour… not because I don’t trust you, but it’s good to get the money thing out of the way before we begin our adventure.

Additional Cost

Boat Tour Fee – US$10 Per Person

Gratuity for the boat man at your discretion.

Immature Scarlet Ibis (Eudocimus ruber)